photo of Zack

Zack Gottesman

Ph.D. Student
University of Virginia (at)

About Me

Welcome! I am Zack, a computer scientist and first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Virginia, advised by Tom Hartvigsen. Previously, I was a computer science master's student studying machine learning at Dartmouth College (the birtplace of AI), advised by the fantastic Soroush Vosoughi and Peter Chin. I am affiliated with the LISP Lab and MMS Group. I like to work on socially impactful applied research in computer science, data science, and quantitative social science that helps improve people's lives. Similarly, I am passionate about making machine learning more interpretable and making interactive tools to improve our ability to interface with complicated models. Some specific domains I have researched in the past are healthcare and safety/injury prevention in sports.

In addition to research, I also love teaching and mentoring younger students and aspire to a career that combines teaching, collaboration, and mentorship with research. I have been a teaching assistant five times for three different classes and enjoy working with students in office hours. This term, I am giving a guest lecture about machine learning engineering and deployment for the CS52 course at Dartmouth.

Prior to becoming a master's student, I was a Dartmouth undergraduate studying computer science, statistics, and history. As an undergraduate, I worked as a data scientist for Dartmtouth's football team. My work led to a rule change proposal to improve safety in Ivy League football. I also have experience in industry at Amazon, Smartsheet, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Likewise. Please see my CV for more information about my background and experience.

Research Interests



  1. Zachary Gottesman
    Dartmouth QSS Thesis
    Led to proposed rule change in Ivy League

  2. Zachary Gottesman
    Dartmouth Senior Honors Thesis in Computer Science

  3. SSM
    Erin Vernon, Zachary Gottesman, Raechel Warren
    Social Science and Medicine (SSM), 2021.

Selected Projects

Sports Data Projects

Other Projects


I can be found many other places on the internet: I have many interests outside of computer science:


To reach me, please ping me at at, or message me on Twitter/X or LinkedIn. Please reach out if you're thinking about it, I love getting mail!